6 photo
02 Oct 2024
fr*******rd - 1
12 Oct 2024
dm***hy - 2
06 Oct 2024
05 Oct 2024
Patop Furniture Set
89 lbs
Acacia wood
Brand Name
Mount Type
General Use
Outdoor Furniture
Table Shape
Ships From
Table Width
19.5 in
Set Includes
1 Loveseat, 2 Single chairs, 1 Coffee table, Cushions
Specific Use
Garden Set
Table Height
16 in
Table Length
40 in
Indoor & Outdoor
Assembly Status
Seating Capacity
Up to 4
Assembly Required
Number of Items in Set
Voir plus

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Comfortable and ergonomic design gives you a better sense of belonging.
Made of premium acacia wood, this 4 pcs wood conversation sofa set features the uniform texture and smooth touching with long-time serving time. Thick cushions with fluffy filler make your sitting experience more comfortable. What's more, 2 sets water resistant cushion covers allow you to change your cushion colors according to the home decors from time to time. Lounging in sofa under the warm sunshine, you will taste every cozy moment in your life.

Made of solid acacia wood with FSC certification, superior durable
Thick and cozy cushion provides ultimate comfortable
2 sets weather resistant cushion covers for easy change
Detachable cushions and waterproof for outdoor use
Freely DIY the furnish, for an optimal new look
Spend time with your family on the 4-6 persons set
Makes your decor natural by the rustic design
Ideal for patio, porch, poolside or garden
Convenient for installation, maintaining and cleanness

Material: Acacia wood
Dimension of loveseat: 49.5" x 28.5" x 29.5" (L x W x H)
Dimension of single sofa: 28.5" x 27.5" x 29.5" (L x W x H)
Dimension of coffee table: 40" x 19.5" x 16" (L x W x H)
Net weight of loveseat: 34 lbs
Net weight of single sofa: 21 lbs
Net weight of coffee table:13 lbs
Weight capacity of loveseat: 705 lbs
Weight capacity of single sofa: 353 lbs
Weight capacity of coffee table: 220 lbs

Package Includes:
1 x Loveseat
2 x Single chairs
1 x Coffee table
3 x Seat cushions
4 x Back cushions
1 x White cushion covers set
1 x User manual

 ▌ Contact & Returns:

If you have questions about purchases from us, please feel free to contact us through Aliexpress's Message Center.

Items should be returned in their original product packaging and all accessories in the original shipment must be included if you would return the item.

 ▌ Shippment:

• Free Standard Shipping on all items.
• All orders are shipped out via UPS, Fedex, USPS or LTL.
• Transit time is 2-7 business days varying on customer's location to fulfillment center.
• Tracking numbers will be automatically updated once order is shipped.
• We only ship to the Lower 48 States, no current shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, nor Guam.
• We do not ship to FPO, APO or PO Boxes.

Title 1, Patiojoy extérieur 4 pièces ensemble de Chat en...Title 2, Patiojoy extérieur 4 pièces ensemble de Chat en...Title 3, Patiojoy extérieur 4 pièces ensemble de Chat en...Title 4, Patiojoy extérieur 4 pièces ensemble de Chat en...Title 5, Patiojoy extérieur 4 pièces ensemble de Chat en...Title 6, Patiojoy extérieur 4 pièces ensemble de Chat en...

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20 vendu

Patiojoy extérieur 4 pièces ensemble de Chat en bois d'acacia canapé de Conversation 2 ensembles housse de coussin en teck

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Ships From: United States

United States
En stock: 30
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Publié: 28.04.2024 03:52 En stock: 30 1.63KVues

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