The products we sell are carefully selected, not counterfeit products. Please rest assured to buy. After payment, we will send the package to your friend within 24 hours so that you can receive the package as soon as possible. This shop has all kinds of pet supplies. If you have more requirements, please go to the store to choose. If you can't find the product you need, you can send us an email for consultation, and our store will provide you with the product you need as soon as possible. Natural sisal cat scratching posts, rich in colors, cats prefer Scratch and abrasion resistance Easy to install Quality assurance
Functional practical, visually beautiful
Natural sisal
Funny toy ball
A variety of styles for you to choose
Show details 1: Corduroy,Clean and not sticky 2: Natural sisal, Scratch and abrasion resistant 3: Bouncy ball toy,The plush is delicate and makes the cat happier
Product showcase