6 photo
04 Oct 2024
14 Oct 2024
do**20 - 2
09 Oct 2024
fp**ac - 3
07 Oct 2024
Patio Rattan Furniture Set
184 lbs
Patio Rattan Furniture Set
Brand Name
Mount Type
Seat Depth
25.5 in
General Use
Outdoor Furniture
Seat Height
16.5 in
Table Shape
Ships From
Table Width
20 in
Specific Use
Garden Set
Table Height
16 in
Table Length
32 in
Assembly Status
Seating Capacity
Up to 5
Assembly Required
Cushions Included
Number of Items in Set
Voir plus

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Patiojoy 8PCS Patio Rattan Furniture Set Fire Pit Table Tank Holder Cover Deck Black



This 8-piece sofa set with fire table and tank holder will be an awesome choice for you to relax outdoors.
The sofa set with wide seat and soft cushions will make you fully relaxed. And you won't feel cold anymore in winter days with the 40,000 BTU propane fire pit table, which can be also used as a patio side table when you cover the lid. All the 8 pieces can withstand long-time outdoor use. The sofas and coffee table are firmly supported by reinforced and rustproof metal frame. And the adjustable pads highly improve the stability. Additionally, the fire pit table with ceramic tabletop and stainless steel burner can withstand long-time use and high temperature. Plus, the PVC cover is functional to protect the fire table from rain and sunlight when it's not in use. And a tank holder is included to provide a perfect storage space for 20 lbs gas tank (not included),which also can be used as a coffee table. Enjoy your outdoor leisure time on our 8-piece patio set with your friends or family!

1. Please do not completely cover the stainless steel burner with lava rocks when igniting.
2. Please keep lava rocks always dry to prevent splashes when using.
3. When the fire does not ignite, try fanning the gas around the burner by hand to ensure adequate contact with oxygen.
4. Cover the fire pit table with the dust cover only when it cools down.
5. Do not tighten all the screws until all the holes are aligned.
6. Please note that color difference may occur between different light and monitor.
7. Please always keep cushions dry and avoid rain exposure.

Will be delivered in 4 packages so the arriving time may vary
Screw bag for sofa set is in box 1 and the box of fire table also includes accessories
40,000 BTU heat output keeps you away from coldness in winter
32" fire table can be also used as a coffee table when the lid is covered
Premium igniting device and CSA certification for high safety
PVC cover for considerate protection when the fire table is not in use
Tank holder fixes the gas tank (not included) firmly and can be used as a coffee table
Ergonomic sofa and soft cushions for high-level comfort
Smooth zippers make cushion covers easy to remove and clean
Aluminum feet and adjustable footpads for higher stability
Hand-woven PE rattan and premium ceramic for high durability
Stainless steel burner withstands long-time burning
Tempered glass coffee table is stable and easy to clean
Easy to assemble with the clear instructions

Color of PE Rattan: Mix Brown
Color of Cushion: Black
Color of Fire Pit Table: Brown
Material: PE Rattan, Metal, Tempered Glass, Polyester, Sponge, Ceramic, PVC, Lava Rock
Heat Output: 40,000 BTU
Suitable Gas Tank: 20 lbs
Dimension of Fire Pit Table: 32" x 20" x 16" (L x W x H)
Dimension of Lid: 15" x 7.5" (L x W)
Dimension of Tank Holder: 16" x 16" x 22" (L x W x H)
Dimension of Coffee Table: 25.5" x 25.5" x 13" (L x W x H)
Dimension of Each Armless Sofa: 29.5" x 25.5" x 25" (L x W x H)
Dimension of Each Corner Sofa: 29.5" x 29.5" x 25" (L x W x H)
Dimension of Each Seat Cushion: 25.5" x 25.5" x 4" (L x W x Thickness)
Dimension of Each Big Back Cushion: 25.5" x 13.5" x 6" (L x W x Thickness)
Dimension of Each Small Back Cushion: 21.5" x 13.5" x 6" (L x W x Thickness)
Seat Height: 12.5"
Net Weight of Fire Pit Table and Tank Holder: 57 lbs
Net Weight of Coffee Table: 22 lbs
Net Weight of Each Armless Sofa: 19 lbs
Net Weight of Each Corner Sofa: 24 lbs
Weight Capacity of Fire Pit Table: 265 lbs
Weight Capacity of Tank Holder: 265 lbs
Weight Capacity of Coffee Table: 75 lbs
Weight Capacity of Each Armless Sofa: 400 lbs
Weight Capacity of Each Corner Sofa: 400 lbs

Package Includes:
1 x Coffee Table
2 x Corner Sofas
3 x Armless Sofas
5 x Seat Cushions
7 x Back Cushions
1 x Fire Pit Table
1 x Tank Holder
1 x PVC Cover for Fire Pit
1 x Bag of Lava Rock
1 x AA Battery
2 x Instructions

 ▌ Contact & Returns:

If you have questions about purchases from us, please feel free to contact us through Aliexpress's Message Center.

Items should be returned in their original product packaging and all accessories in the original shipment must be included if you would return the item.

 ▌ Shippment:

• Free Standard Shipping on all items.
• All orders are shipped out via UPS, USPS or LTL.
• Transit time is 2-7 business days varying on customer's location to fulfillment center.
• Tracking numbers will be automatically updated once order is shipped.
• We only ship to the Lower 48 States, no current shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, nor Guam.
• We do not ship to FPO, APO or PO Boxes.

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Publié: 28.04.2024 17:55 En stock: 30 1.56KVues

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